Thursday, November 13, 2008

_sini, bukan di situ

agak lama aku tak singgah disini..kekangan masa dan juga kepupusan cable for LAN..di sini..nak mintak kat Unit IT macam malas i ended up borrowing cable LAN from others..which is quite troubling for me..but i managed to tolerate and deal with it everyday..owh..pinjam ngan Ecah je pon..

neway, last week was not-so-enjoying week for me. It was a hectic and panic week for me (and for the rest of us at the Language Studies Department). It was an OK when we were all busy with marking the papers for final exams yet when it comes to prepare for the *Rawscore...boy, it was a nightmare hell. If there's an error in the *rawscore (hoping there'll be no mistakes at all), My a-happy-yet-turn-to-a-creepy-monster-when-he-mad Course Coordinator will question everything from you (well, pretty much yelling for over 70 decibels sound at you and make you realize how small you are). At this point, i mean when he yells at you..and pretty much don't have anything else to do except pretending to listen to him and once in a while nodding your head makesure he gets the message that you're listening to him. Although you might actually have a re-run episode of Ultraman versus one eyed creature or even an episode HOUSE M.D (which is my fav series).

The truth is, I don't mind if he yells or even mad at me but leave alone other lecturers. Don't blame them for verifying my Rawscore, face it, the mistakes have taken place so your tamper to the one who prepare for the Rawscore and not the one who verifies the Rawscore. By the way, my so-goody-friendlier-yet-temper CC has not seen and checked my Rawscore. Well, actually i don't know if there's something wrong in my rawscore..which i hope it'll be none..basically i'm blabbing for the future aftermath in the present *sigh* pathetic is that??

fyi - my CC is on leave until next he won't be able to check my Rawscore..which is a relief for me at the moment. hehehe

o yea..aku rasa aku merepek London tadi..hahaha..ape2 je la labu..

1 comment:

wynn said...

yuuu.... skarang kat 'london' ye?

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