Monday, March 16, 2009

_hari persidangan


yes..we did it, i mean the was likehellheaven..we've been preparing for the actual conference since ages ago (actually one year to be exact..i'm just exaggerating the whole things) my oh my...finally, it comes to an end..i've been juggled by my boss..'you do that and you do this' everything is all about don't have work now, so do god..i was tired..but it pays..hahaha..i enjoyed being liason officer to our speaker..fetched and waited for her at the airport...almost 2 hours..we had our conference in Seberang i had to go to Penang Airport(with a i have lots of frens at Transportation) They have been really nice..i enjoyed it..really..though i had some other works and i had to sacrifice my sleep and work work work..totally awesome!!hahaha..i had the experience being an emcee or moderator for one session..hehehe..cakap omputih you...hahahaha..and got compliment from our presenters...hehehehe..nice one...she's a Prof Madya from UUM..

hehehe..not so much enjoying the compliment..but more of my social networks..they are so nice..some of them are way out of my league..yet they are friendly..alhamdulillah..for every little work that i've done..i did it..

nanti la i post gambaq k??hehehe

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